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Send text from computer to cell phone

Studies say that 90% of people read text message within first 3 minutes. Text messaging is now the most liked way to communicate with your drivers on road. More and more businesses are now changing the way how they communicate with their team on road. Delivering events to cell phones as text is way more safe and productive than making phone calls to deliver instructions.

You might be looking for the best software to send text from computer to cell phone. This is a real challenge. Wait! here is another one: you may be looking for application that can send text from your computer to cell phone directly from your software without any human interaction. 

You may have several questions or doubts. We have answers to all of your questions. Contact us today to get answers to all of your queries.


A software to calm down your dispatch team

Less phone calls, increased productivity, more profit...

Everyone is not as smart as you

  • Text messaging is a written record of conversation. Written conversations make a person responsible for its own actions.
  • Most of the people cannot think twice before they speak while talking, hence they are prone to give wrong statements. Texting gives enough time to think and collect facts before replying.
  • It keeps a person focused on current task. Continuous calls interrupt normal flow of work and cause rapid task switching. Task switching is the worst enemy of productivity.
  • Texting gives option to set priorities. Highly important queries can be answered before less important ones.
  • It saves energy that is wasted while talking, and keeps team fresh and stress free whole day.

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